Drug epidemic

Drug epidemic picture

South Africa as a nation is going through a major drug crisis. Just take a look around and you will notice the sad impact of drug addiction in our societies. Both young and old people have found themselves trapped in this evil web. It has brought them unforseen pains and agony, job losses, unemployment, poverty and suicide are usually associated with drug addictions. The types of drug used are heroin, ecstasy, mandrax,  crack cocaine, tik and cocaine. Alcohol,dagga and prescribed medications like painkillers and cough mixtures despite being legal are classified also as drugs worldwide because they are highly addictive and produce same negative reactions as other drugs

The first time you take drug, you enjoy the feelings as it makes you high. As your body gets used to the drug, you will need more of it to experience the same intense reaction. This increasing tolerance to a drug is actually a growing addictions and before you know it, you are hooked on the drug. Addictions comes with a big price tag. The more drugs you want, the more money you need to 'feed the habit'. Drugs cost money and their effect make it difficult to maintain a steady source of income. Some people turn to crime, prostitution and other risky behaviours. Many are languishing in prison because of drug possession and other related problems. But they never imagined it would end like this. Truth is, all addicts start out believing that they could give up the drug whenever they wanted. Every addict is a sad proof of how wrong that beliefs is

People use drugs for different reasons. To gain confidence, to celebrate, to relieve Pain or even escape reality. However tempting it may be using drugs to escape difficult situations will not make your problems disappear. When drug wear off, reality will still be there. Seek help for your problems and find solutions for them. It's no use running away only to find out your life has become worst off. Don't do drugs it leads to addiction. Drug dealers know this, that why they offer you the first one for free. They know when you're hooked, you would even steal or do stupid things to afford the habit. Drug addicts are normal people. They all had it going at one time in their lives. A job, a family, a home. Drugs took everything away from them, including thier health.

Do be a victim

Have you used drugs before? Are you scared of becoming an addict? Or already addicted or maybe you're being tempted to try drugs. Do not die in silence, we can help you. Jump Youth Mission is a faith based non profit organisation. We apply the teaching of Christ and depend on the Holy Spirit. Our recovery program utilizes a Bible based formula that has been  proven to bring total change and healing over years. While we recognise psychological and medical expertise to address many of the side effects of addiction, the total stoppage and abstinance has  being achieved through Spiritual treatment.

JYM motto: 2Corinthians 5:17 Therefore anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, the old has gone, the new is here.

We are located in a secured,serene location.

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