Jump Awakening Fellowship

Jump Awakening Fellowship
Core beliefs:

1. We believe that God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit are one, and that God is the supreme ruler and creator of the universe and all within. Jesus Christ (God’s one and only Son) was sent by God and born here on earth from the virgin Mary. He lived a life free of sin, untainted by the world and gave Himself completely, even His life, so that we could be free. He was crucified by man (which was His destiny on earth), died, rose again on the third day, and is now seated at the right hand of God where He makes intercession for us. When Jesus left, He sent the Holy Spirit to live in the hearts of those who receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior to comfort, convict, lead and empower their lives. The Bible is the Word of God, inspired through the Holy Spirit since the beginning of time into the hearts of men.
2. We believe that drug and alcohol use/abuse/addiction are not a disease. We do realize that chronic use/abuse can and does lead to mental illness, sickness/disease, shortened life spans and even untimely death. We do believe this use/abuse/addiction is a product of our sinful nature, and that without a personal relationship with God through Christ we are left to our own devices and doings with their related chaos. 
3. We believe that in and through a personal relationship with Christ we receive power from the Godhead (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) that is needed to live a life free from the pull or dominion of sin. Through this power we can live a full, abundant, free, purposeful, and joy-filled life.
4. We believe that no one is too far gone; and that the transforming power of salvation is available to all who will humble themselves and call upon the name of Jesus.
5. We believe that it is the direct call of God on our lives as part of the Christian church to teach these classes. We believe that it is God’s desire that no one should perish and that He has given us (the church) the ministry of reconciliation, and it is our responsibility (and passion) to go into all the world (even to the broken, lost, and addicted) and teach/preach His good news.

Jump Awakening Fellowship
Jump Awakening Fellowship is a Christ centered drug and alcohol support and recovery fellowship that ministers’ freedom, healing, and deliverance from chemical dependency. We do not believe that chronic drug and alcohol use is a disease; we do, however, realize that it can and does lead to bad habits, dysfunctional thinking, sickness, and disease. It is not our goal at Jump Awakening Fellowship that you just become “clean.” We believe that a person can become totally free from drugs, alcohol, and any other life-dominating sin through an intimate relationship with Christ. It is our sincere belief that if you choose a new life, that is exactly what you will receive. Jesus is the Way, the Truth that sets us free, the Life that fulfils our destiny.

Jump Awakening Fellowship
1. To plant Christ-centered support and  recovery fellowship, churches and Christian Discipleship Centres all over the world.
2. To ignite a fire in the body of Christ by equipping Christian leaders to act within and outside of the churches. To motivate Christians to get out of their boxes, begin to flow in their God-given gifts and talents and reach out to the addicted because this is what Jesus would do.
3. To facilitate and open the doors of our churches to the addicted. To remove the fear and stigma associated with having the lost and broken in our churches. To create a pathway by which they can enter the church.
4. To see millions of people saved, healed, and delivered from a life of bondage to drugs and alcohol.
5. To see tangible evidence of the fruit of this ministry within our communities as evidenced by: people saved, freed, and delivered; hearts healed; families restored; reduction of overdoses/ deaths and reduction of drug/alcohol arrests and jailed. Amen!

Jump Awakening Fellowship
1. To introduce or restore people to a relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To point people to God, who makes all things new and gives us the power to overcome any sin problem. 
2. To bring hope, support, and encouragement to people who are seeking freedom from alcohol– and drug– addicted lifestyles.
3. To teach basic, essential principles for living a life free from the bondage of chemical addiction, thereby breaking the sin cycle of use, abuse, dependence, chaos, consequences, regret, remorse, temporary sobriety, which leads back to use again.
4. To mentor and familiarize participants with their Bible through hands-on practice looking up and reading scriptures out loud during group. This increases Bible knowledge, Bible study skills, and helps to build faith and self-confidence.
5. To see eyes, ears and hearts be opened through the teaching of God’s Word and the model of Christ’s life. To see bondages broken and lives renewed through the revelation of the Word.
6. To see purpose and destiny returned to people’s lives. To disciple and send out new witnesses of the Jump Awakening Fellowship program, that only Christ can bring. To raise up a network of Jump Awakening Fellowship Leaders, Assistants and Volunteers for the future.

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